Why Conscious Connected Breathwork?

Breathwork is a self-healing tool that heals wounds and connects you to your inner knowing. The breath has the power to change us deeply, especially anxiety, trauma and depression, while enhancing feelings of love and joy. It’s estimated we have up to 60,000 thoughts a day and 80% of those are negative, so it is easy to see how we can get stuck in a pattern of stress and worry.  Breathwork is a simple and very powerful practice that can be used to interrupt these thought patterns. 


The practice of breathwork originates with yoga pranayama, which has been around for thousands of years. Rebirthing & Holotropic Breathwork were the first Connected Breathwork styles introduced in the 60s & 70s.

Practising conscious connected breathing is an effective and safe way to replenish our own (often depleted) systems so they can function to their full potential. It facilitates openings to higher levels of consciousness, allowing us to tap into our deeper resources and live our lives joyfully and in abundance. By using breathwork, we can remove what’s holding us back in any area of life and connect to who we truly are.

Through the breath, it's possible to move through and clear the inner clutter, quiet the inner chaos, and get back into alignment.